What have we been learning? December 2022
Please see attached this terms newsletter:
What have we been learning? November 2022
Year 3
Year 3 have continued to thrive this half term! In English, we were introduced to Romeo and Juliet and loved taking part in Miss Birch’s performance of the play! Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at persuasive writing techniques so that we can write our very own persuasive…
What have we been learning? October 2022
Year 3
Over the past couple of weeks, year 3 have been working their socks off to be the best that they can be. In English, we have written our own version of Hansel and Gretel but with a twist. We had children who found a lego house, a mansion and even an underwater city in the forest instead…
What have we been up to? September 2022
Year 3
Year 3 have made a tremendous start to life at Fulwell Junior School! Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been reading the story of Hansel and Gretel and will begin to write their version of the traditional fairy tale but with a twist. In maths, we have been looking at…
Homework Arrangements
Homework Arrangements
Every Friday, all children will be assigned homework by their class teacher to be returned or completed for the following Friday. The homework will be set as follows:
- Spellings - each child will have a selection of spellings to practice and learn at home in a…