Year 3

Year 3 have made a tremendous start to life at Fulwell Junior School! Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been reading the story of Hansel and Gretel and will begin to write their version of the traditional fairy tale but with a twist. In maths, we have been looking at numbers up to 1000 by partitioning them and placing them accurately on a number line. For the first time, the children have begun their French lessons, learning some key phrases as well as learning how to introduce themselves and others. Not only that but year 3 have been working so hard in science, using their enquiry questions from our ‘Wheels in Motion’ focus week and putting them into practice. Amazing!


Year 4

Well, what a start to Year 4 we have had! From Skateboarding lessons to a trip to Ryhope Museum we have got straight into our Wheels In Motion project! We have taken our project into our Science lessons too, where we investigated which surface would allow our toy cars to travel the furthest and thought about whether the radius of a cylinder affects the speed at which it travels! In English, we are reading Voices In The Park by Antony Browne, and we are working on our recount writing skills to write a diary entry as one of the characters, and in Maths, we are looking at place value, using lots of equipment to really support our understanding!





Year 5

What a fantastic start to Year 5 we have had! We have well and truly got the ‘wheel’ rolling with our new project! We have been busy exploring Wheels in Motion when testing our skills at skateboarding, getting creative with sketches of mechanisms during art lessons, visiting Ryhope Engine Museum and bringing the theme of our project into our science lessons where we had fun investigating whether the size of the wheel affects the speed of the vehicle! In Maths so far, we have been looking at place value and challenging ourselves to partition larger numbers! We are currently reading Street Child and Way Home in our English lessons and using both texts to support us when writing a narrative. In Geography Year 5 have enjoyed identifying countries within North America using atlases to match flags to the country.


Year 6

In Year 6, the children had an amazing trip to Woodhorn Colliery and participated in amazing STEM and Art activities. Understanding the life of miners and seeing things through their eyes made for a positive learning experience. What a start to the term! The children are using their communication skills in reading lessons to great effect.  The emphasis on pace and clarity has helped create suspense whilst reading Kensuke's Kingdom. The staff have been blown away by the children's use of 'tone' when writing autobiographies. They've had to imagine themselves as adults and look back on their childhood (scary!).  In Maths, year 6 have been looking at long multiplication and division, which is never easy, but their endeavour is being rewarded.