Greenpower Goblins Race Day
Wednesday 28th June 2023
Back in May, Miss Watson and Mrs Haswell opened applications for Y5 pupils to be part of Fulwell Formula II. After a tough and competitive process, the final 12 engineers were chosen. They built the car showing amazing teamwork (look back in the ‘Latest News’ section of our website to see more information and photos about this).
Throughout the rest of May and June, the children used the playgrounds to get in as much driving practice as they could. On Friday 23rd June, we set up a drag and slalom course in preparation for the event. The children also worked on their pushing as they learnt it really made a difference with the speed of the car. We were ready!
The race day was here! Our team were kitted out in their ‘Future Engineer’ tops and FJS caps and ready for a fun-packed day of racing. Arriving at Gateshead International Stadium, the whole team were buzzing with excitement. All of the cars from 21 schools across the North East were lined up. It was time for scrutineering. Oliver sat in the car whilst the engineers checked it over and asked us all about our choice for body work. Oliver described perfectly our design and our vision to recycle CD’s to create a scaly body work. The car looked amazing – the CD’s on the bodywork really stood out. Many other children from other schools complimented us on it and were fascinated by the design.
The car passed scrutineering and the children were ready for racing. The six drivers: Zoe, Ruby, Oliver, Milo, Brody and Lily showed great confidence, skill and control in both the drag and slalom races. The drag race required the children to drive as fast at they could and stop within a given space. The slalom race was trickier; the children had to weave in and out of cones before stopping suddenly at the end of the race. Our pushers, Jack and Florence, put their training to good use. They were so strong and really helped the drivers with their speed while James, Charlie & Emma snapped some great photos and videos of the day too.
After lunch it was time for the sprint race. Ruby was the chosen driver. She was amazing! Ruby raced against three other cars and had to complete an entire lap. She was placed on the outside lane. The flag signalled the start of the race. Ruby got off to a great start and after a few seconds of driving managed to get over into the inside lane. She beat the other cars and finished well ahead. A really competitive and confident drive!
Finally, all the races were finished and it was time for the judges to announces the results. Out of 21 other schools we came 3rd in the drag, 3rd in the sprint and 1st in the slalom! We also won the award for ‘Greenest Bodywork’.
It was time to announce the overall winners…it was us! Team 9, Fulwell Formula II! The children were delighted. What a way to round off a fantastic day!.
Well done Fulwell Formula II!