On Tuesday 16th May our Y5 engineering team began building their goblin electric car. We were lucky to have Mike (a former engineer) come into school to support us. He taught us all about the different tools we were using, how to use them and which fasteners were important for each part of the build. We followed the instructions carefully and worked as a team to build all the parts. Some of us worked to build the seat, others fixed the main chassis together whilst the rest of us built the axels. By lunchtime we were almost finished.
In the afternoon we added the wheels and steering column and then began putting the electrics on. This was the trickiest bit, but we managed it. The car was built! We tested it out to make sure the electrics and brakes all worked; it did! We were so excited! A few of us managed to have a test drive and by the end of the week we are all hoping to have had a quick whizz around the yard. Next week, we are hoping to begin practicing our driving in preparation for our race event in a few weeks' time.
Keep an eye out for the videos of our test drives!
Well done to our super Y5 engineers! What a talented bunch you are!