Code Club Success!
Our Code Club at Fulwell has really taken off this half term. We have attached some examples of our coder's projects across the last month. Click on the link to open a project, then click on the Green flag at the top of the project to start the animation. A few projects may even ask you to interact with them via a chat box or playing a short game!
This term we have used our coding skills to create:
- Rockband- we coded our own musical instruments
- Lost in Space- we programmed our own animations
- Ghostbusters- we made a game where we caught ghosts
- Chatbot- we programmed our own talking robot
- Paintbox- we designed a paint programme
Click on the links to see some examples below:
Maisie's Ghostbusters project:
Rocket Fuel Demo by Finley:
Ellie's Garage band project:
Zac's "Stranded on the Moon" project:
Pippa's Chatbox project:
Liv's Christmas Project:
A big well done to all the Code Clubbers this term and a massive thank you to the Computing Ambassadors, Logan, Finley, Ellie and Grace for all your wonderful help with Code Club this half term.