Year 3
Wow, what a start to Fulwell Junior School year 3 have made! They have took everything in their stride and have worked so incredibly hard. They have created some fabulous artwork by learning new techniques such as blind drawing and continuous line drawing as well as learning about the role of architects such as the Milburn brothers, who were responsible for our wonderful school building and Sunderland Empire. Not only that, but year 3 have really shown that they are keen mathematicians as well as super writers. We have been particularly impressed with the children’s character and setting descriptions from Hansel and Gretel. In our foundation subjects, year 3 have begun delving into the prehistoric times in history and they have been learning the tricky names for the different periods of the Stone Age. Also, they have been learning about the UK in geography and become geologists in science learning about rocks. An amazing start to the year and I know the year 3 teachers are so excited to see what the rest of the year has in store!
Year 4
Year 4 have made an amazing start. They began the year by exploring the local architecture in Sunderland, with trails around Fulwell and the city centre. They developed some new artistic techniques such as blind drawing and continuous line drawing which they used to create some superb pieces of artwork. Not only that, but Year 4 have continued to apply their hard-working attitudes to their daily maths and English lessons. It has been clear to see that we have some very talented writers and marvellous mathematicians. Their fantastic setting and character descriptions inspired by The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe have really impressed us. In our foundation subjects, Year 4 have been exploring Europe in geography, learning all about the ancient Greeks in history and investigating states of matter in science.
Year 5
During this half term Year 5 have been reading Street Child and Way Home, comparing the two narratives for similarities and differences. We have used the story Way Home as our stimulus for our own narrative writing. In Maths we have focused on securing our knowledge of place value columns in increasingly large numbers and applying this knowledge to solve multi step problems. In Science our topic of materials has got us thinking about the everyday objects around us and why they are used for the job they do. We have explored the properties of these materials as well as taking a closer look at mixtures and how to separate them. In History, we are learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings up until Christmas. So far we’ve discovered where they came from and why they settled in England, how life changed after the Romans had left, their home, jobs and what they did for leisure. We’ve also examined artefacts from the famous Anglo- Saxon site of Sutton Hoo and what these tell us about this time. In Geography, we have been exploring the features of North America. The children have developed their skills linked to atlas work, created their own contour maps and thought about how climate and landscape affect population. We have also explored some key sites such as The Hubbard Glacier, The Grand Canyon and The Panama Canal!
Year 6
In Year 6, we have had the most fabulous start to the Autumn Term. Over seventy children trekked across the country to the Lake District to experience the delights of Derwent Hill. Not only do children participate in an outstanding outdoor pursuits course, they also develop independence, teamwork and communication skills. Those children who remained in school produced some stunning writing based on the artist David Woodford, whose artwork 'The Kestrel' was housed and displayed in the school's Art gallery. Looking at architecture, producing fabulous sketches and beginning the year 6 curriculum has made for a busy and progressive beginning to the term, with children showing responsibility and being the best they can be. Looks like it will be a good year.