What a fantastic day year 5 had making new discoveries and linking their prior knowledge of space and forces to new learning! Year 5 had time to explore the creativity, WOW and Space zones at the Life Centre where they had the opportunity to work together to solve puzzles, explore forces and demonstrate the impact mechanisms have. Year 5 had the chance to sit back and relax as they were transported into space during their planetarium session. Here they got to learn all about the stars, constellations and galaxies around us. Alongside this, Year 5 took part in a brilliant workshop – Destination Space – they took on the challenge of using robotic arms to repair satellites, tasted food that astronauts would eat and even tested an astronauts ‘Maximum Absorbency Garment’ (otherwise known as a giant nappy!). Finally, year 5 made mind-blowing discoveries about colour in their Science Theatre Show! Did you know that the pattern of lines or shadows can trick our brains into seeing colour differently? When there was no light we could see no colour however changing the colour of light then changed what we saw.