Dear Parents/Carers,
A belated Happy New Year to our school community!
Having made a positive start to the year it has become apparent that we have had pockets of children impacted by COVID over recent weeks. In order to minimise any future disruption to their learning, we are going to begin sending home details of activities which your child may be able to complete whilst at home.
We appreciate that where children are poorly sending work home is not appropriate, however for those who may not be feeling too unwell we feel it may be beneficial for them to access some learning. This should help to maintain consistency and sequence of learning. For those who can access some learning we have established core English and Maths activities within each year group that will follow the focus of the learning happening in school that week.
Details of the home learning will be sent via MarvellousMe by the end of Monday each week to all children within the year group. If your child is attending school as normal, there is no expectation that they complete this work at home as well – although we know some children will want to! For children who are at home due to illness but feel well enough to complete home learning we hope this will support their learning and help them when returning to school.
Where work has been completed at home, children should hand this to the class teacher upon returning to school for feedback. Activities completed online, such as MyMaths & TTRockstars, will continue to be monitored regularly.
On-going home learning, such as spellings, reading and times tables should also be encouraged (where children are well enough to do so).
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs C Haswell
Assistant Headteacher