This week, we have celebrated parliament week!

We have learnt so much about how parliament works, the different parts of it as well some of the most iconic moments in parliamentary history such as the Suffragette movement and Guy Fawkes.

In line with the democracy that we live in, all classes voted for their new class councillors.

Class 1: Pippa and Indie M 

Class 2: Oliver O and Arran

Class 3: Matilda and Olivia W

Class 4: Emily P and Izzy

Class 5: Isabella J and Ava 

Class 6: Travis and Orishe

Class 7: Sophie and Frankie

Class 8: Ollie and Harrison 

Class 9: Ruby M and Jaxon

Class 10: Joshua and Amelia W

Class 11: Will and Tilly

Class 12: Olivia and Luke

Also, some of our fabulous year 4 and 6 children also had to apply and interview for a job as a house captain with Mrs Bankhead and Mr Speck. 

Our House Captains for upper phase:

Mill: Jack Ewin and Lucy Vasey.

Penshaw: Amelia Hayden-Duck and Imogen Swales

Wearmouth: Phoebe Smith and Florence Laing

Finchale: Lucy Phillips and Tia Alderson.


Our House Captains for lower phase:

Mill: Faith Angus and Ruby Gardener

Penshaw: Betsy-Rose Jeng and James Young

Wearmouth: Aiden Keppie and Oliver Dugdale

Finchale: Milo Harbord and Emma Waine


Congratulations to you all, you are the voice of our school! Let it be heard!


#senseofduty #integrity