Year 3
How time flies! We can’t believe our Year 3 cohort have almost been with us for a whole year of fantastic learning! In English this half term, we have began studying a new fiction story called ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. We will be using inspiration from the book to creating our own dragons and write our very own three-part narrative story. Maths this half term has also been just as busy! We finished our second unit of fractions, where we were fining fractions of amounts. We are currently learning about adding and subtracting money and very soon we will begin learning about time! In Reading, we will be learning about famous author Shakespeare and reading his play: ‘Romeo and Juliet’. We will even be acting out our own scenes and writing scripts! Our foundation subjects have also been engaging! Our History and Geography lessons have been focussed on our local area. In History, have been learning about Fulwell and the surrounding area and how it has changed over time. Our Geography unit is ‘Coasts’ and we have been studying the coast of Sunderland, we even have an exciting coast trip planned in the next few weeks! In Science, we have just finished our ‘Plants’ unit and have began learning about ‘Animals and Living Things’. We will be utilising our nature area and pond for a few sessions to enhance learning in this unit!
Year 4
Year 4 have made an excellent start to the Summer Term. In English we began the term by reading the opening five chapters of ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. At this point the children took over from the author, Kate DiCamillo, and have excellently planned and written the remainder of the narrative. In maths we have continued learning about decimals and have been able to apply our understanding to complete some money-based reasoning and problem solving. In Science our topic is animals including humans, we have really enjoyed exploring the human digestive system and gained a strong understanding about how our bodies digest food. Next, will learn more about teeth and their functions. In geography this term we are learning about rivers. We have begun by exploring how the water cycle, which we have studied in science, links to rivers. Following that, we will study the stages of a river before moving on to explore rivers from around the world, the UK, and The River Wear. During history this term we have been learning all about the history of bridges. We have focused on the bridges across The River Wear and the history of each bridge. We have researched artefacts discovered in the Wear and explored the links between findings and the history of Sunderland.
Year 5
This half term Year 5 have read Kensuke's Kingdom and enjoyed finding out all about Michael's adventure with Stella. We are currently designing our very own web page persuasive holiday advert. In Maths Year 5 are busy exploring different types of angles and will be moving on to learn how to use a protractor soon! In Science Year 5 have a fantastic opportunity to care for 15 caterpillars! We are observing them change throughout their life cycle and will be setting them free once they transform to butterflies linking well to our new topic of Living Things. In Geography Year 5 have started their learning within the topic of energy and sustainability, identifying different types of renewable and non-renewable energy. The children demonstrated great humanitarian skills. In History, Year 5 have begun their study of our local area focusing on key events in Sunderland's history.
Year 6
Year 6 have continued to prepare for SATs, which begin on Monday 13 May. The mock assessment showed a great improvement in scores, showing that children's efforts have really paid off. We are all looking forward to the transition to secondary school and some well-earned fun activities.