Year 3

Year 3 have been working so hard this term and have fully settled in to life at Fulwell Junior School. Recently, we have been showing off our fantastic maths through learning bus stop division and column multiplication. We are looking forward to taking part in some active maths lessons over the next month as we begin our measurement unit! In English, we have been hooked on our new story we are studying, Beaver Towers. We have produced some fantastic pieces of sentence work which include starters, conjunctions and figurative language such as metaphors and hyperbole! Our afternoon subjects are just as successful; we have been loving learning about the weather and climate in geography, becoming meteorologists and predicting the weather by looking at the clouds! In Science, we have been exploring magnetic forces and using our critical thinking skills to create magnet games. Finally, in history, we are learning about the exciting Egyptians and discovering about the importance of the River Nile and the roles that were around in the Ancient Egyptian society. 

Year 4

Year 4 have made an excellent start to the Spring Term. In English we began the term by using our experiences during DT week to write a set of instructions. Following that, we began to read The Midnight Fox which inspired us while writing our discussion piece ‘Should Fox Hunting be Banned?’. In maths we have been learning about measurement and the skills to calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. We have also challenged ourselves with some problem-solving tasks. In Science our topic is electricity, we have really enjoyed exploring electricity and how circuits allow electricity to flow. We have been able to build our own circuits and used our understanding to recognise when a circuit will or will not work. In geography this term we have been learning all about Earthquakes and Volcanes.  We have been investigating why earthquakes occur, where they are most likely to occur and what the effects can be.  We explored the Richter Scale, looking at what might happen in earthquakes of various magnitudes and what safety procedures might be in place.  Next, we will look at volcanoes and discover how and why they erupt and where they can be found. During history this term we have been looking at Romans in Britain. Our big question is 'What have the Romans done for us?'. We have investigated Sunderland during the Roman times and linked the River Wear to Roman trade. We then studied Boudicca, her life, and how she felt when the Romans betrayed her. Next, we will be looking into Roman military. 

Year 5

This half term Year 5 have read the Legend of Beowulf and enjoyed the gruesome stories of Grendel. We have focused on the battle between the deadly beast and the mighty Beowulf. The children have done a fantastic job of dramatic language for effect as they retold the events of the battle. In Maths Year 5 have worked hard to increase their confidence with fractions and are now learning to use formal written methods to solve long multiplication / division. In Science Year 5 have been discovering more about what lies beyond our world. They have explored how the planets in our solar system move and challenged theories by famous philosophers. In Geography this half term Year 5 have been exploring Marvellous Mountains! We have started close to home with the highest mountains in the UK while cementing our understanding of lines of latitude and longitude. We have now moved onto exploring the mountains of the world, with an in depth look into Everest and the freeeezing temperatures in the Himalayas! In History, we have begun our new topic about the ancient Maya. So far, we've discovered when and where the Maya lived, how and what they traded and found out about their religious beliefs.



Year 6

In Year 6, the children have enjoyed wider curriculum sessions, particularly performance where they all performed a World War 1 poem to an audience of Army veterans, which was picked up by Radio Newcastle.  To this day, many children can recite the poem. This real life experiences and being part of the wider community is a key theme of the school. Over thirty Year 6 children created an ensemble for the production of Fulwell Junior's first movie. This wonderful group of players experienced the most marvellous launch at Sunderland University, watched by the Lord Mayor. To be inclusive, all the children wrote a critique of the movie and learned skills around film - producing storyboards and joining in with discussions with professionals from this exciting field, which has many shooting roots within the city of Sunderland. Of course, Year 6 ends with the national SATs test. Learning the skills necessary to access, complete and master the text are underway with teachers across the school volunteering their own time to support Year 6 children.